Real stories from the streets of San Diego.
It didn’t look like I was going to make it due to the rain in the forecast but around 3:00 I said I’m going anyway. So I jumped in my car and headed to City Heights to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Truth and Love. A Patient Man As soon as I arrived…
It had been over two years since I jumped into the car to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the streets of San Diego. As such I wasn’t expecting much fruit. For one, it always amazes me that people open up their lives to us. Second, it just seems so random to approach people…
Once again we were at the corner of 6th and University sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ on the streets of Hillcrest when a young couple passed by the table. I asked them whether I could speak with them about Jesus but they declined. A few minutes later the same couple returned from the opposite…
I often ask a simple but direct question when sharing my faith which allows me to assess a person’s level of conviction in what they believe regarding a singular sovereign creator. Here’s the question, “Do you believe in God?” I know, I know – but I told you it was a simple question. Though this…
I met Garret as he was walking by at the corner of University Ave and 6th Ave in Hillcrest. I offered him a mercy pack at which he chuckled and said I guess I still look like a homeless person. He soon told me that several years ago he used to roamed these same streets…